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Main Topic: Shanghai Dpt. Stores

Hosts: James Stanworth , Clyde Warden

In Shanghai, Clyde and James sit down for a coffee and talk about their posh department store visit. This is ground zero for the international brands' attack on the China market, but what we saw were foreigners and overseas Chinese, tourists, and well, nothing very local. The overriding image is of the globalization of nothing, as there was not a single distinctive image or any localization at all. More like shopping at an airport than anything else.

James' voice is a bit horse after a number of talks and endless introductions, but he gets up the energy to do another podcast.

Clinique had a huge promotion going on, with a clear white motif. Salespeople were all in white uniforms, and sets that looked like the entry to a hospital. This metaphor, based on authority, cleanliness, organization, medical and scientific knowledge is very common and successful in China.
Once again, our video camera failed us, but we came back with stills from the video (sorry about the quality). The camera has been sent off to Sony Land for disciplinary action.
Back at the department store, Calvin Kline wins the Far Out award for the strangest store design. From the conference they attended, James and Clyde discuss research numbers on income levels in China. If you thought income distribution is a problem in the US, China has it in spades.

This feels like an airport terminal.

The Show:

Length: 20 minutes. Download MP3 9.64MB (Right click->Save As).


Consumer Cam ConsumerCam:

Vid. 1) Islands of fragrance, for every big brand, smooth entry to the stores by getting attention in an easy sell, especially the through the use of samples.
Vid. 2) Clinique's huge promotion looks like a high-tech medical unit.
Vid. 3) s in Japanese department stores, a supermarket is in the basement. While prices were high, the service left much to be desired.

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Bottom Line:

  • Department stores in Shanghai are like department stores everywhere.
  • Lots of use of fragrance islands that pull consumers in to the store.
  • The islands ease the consumer's entry.
  • Lots of co-branding action going on.
  • On the first floor, lots of expensive brands, but in the top floor, things fall off quickly.
  • The basement and higher floors show a drop off in the big brands, but not much.
  • No main discount floor, as often seen in Taiwan and Japan.
  • Service is spoty, as is quite normal in China.
Category: Podcasts

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