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Main Topic: Wang Ping Steak With a Japanese Theme

Hosts: James Stanworth , Clyde Warden

Tao Ban Wu Entrance
Tao Ban Wu Restaurant
Here is a mega-show continuing our study of the very successful company Wang Ping restaurants out of Taiwan. Tao Ban Wu targets a different segment from Wang Ping Steaks. Clyde and James are in the studio with tons of ConsumerCam. Check out the eight ConsumerCam clips and photos of Clyde's family visit to Tao Ban Wu.

Tao Ban Wu is a theme restaurant. The theme is Japanese, but it really has nothing to do with Japan. Wang Ping is focusing on a market segment. Compared to Wang Ping Steak's up market, this segment is more price sensitive, and less experienced with steak, but looking for a nice experience. Perfect for dates, affordable for 20 some things, Tao Ban Wu helps couples to get into the steak experience .

The servicescape is thought out in details, supplying a dark environment with lots of tables for couples set off in spaces separated by glass. As in Wang Ping Steak, the emphasis is on service, although there is nothing of a Japanese flavour to the service. Menus are modular, as in Wang Ping, and the staff emphasize helping customers figure things out--for those with less experience. What is interesting is how Tao Ban Wu combines a Japanese motif (fun), a standardized menu approach (efficiency), helpful service (education), with some familiar aspects, such as the steak hot plates (the same as you can find in the night market).

There are many theme restaurants in Taiwan, but it is unusual to be this Western theme and still execute these Asian motifs.

Listen To The Show (Audio Only):

Length: 20 minutes. Download MP3 9.09MB (Right click->Save As).

On Location

Watch The Show (Video & Audio):

From Taichung, James, and Clyde.
Length: 20 minutes.

iPod Download MP4 86.14MB (Right click->Save As).
QuickTime Download MOV 70.43MB (Right click->Save As).
Windows Media Download WMV 72.39MB (Right click->Save As).
High Quality mp4 H.264(640x480) Download high quality mp4 146.94MB (Right click->Save As).


Consumer Cam ConsumerCam:

Vid. 1) Entering Tao Ban Wu restaurant.
Vid. 2) T aking the order.
Vid. 3) Part of the excitement for local consumers is the linear nature of the numerous courses--starting with the appetizer.
Vid. 4) Soup is next.
Vid. 5) Tao Ban Wu offers a lower cost but retains the high class feeling of the more expensive Wang Ping, making it perfect for younger people on dates.
Vid. 6) Plum Juice pallet cleaner. The presentation is exotic, requiring explaination from service staff--who guide consumers through the experience.
Vid. 7) The main course, with hot plates and poured gravy, not unlike the more common traditional steak houses.
Vid. 8) The details of the service experience are covered, even though the total price for the meal is about 15USD.

Show Links:

Bottom Line:

  • Reservations, unusual for local restaurants, are often needed.
  • A Japanese metaphor.
  • Perfect for dating.
  • Menu/ordering system uses the fixed menu with options, as in Wang Ping Steak.
  • The process is engaging, which entertains customers.
  • The winning combination of service with the mixed themes and motifs really works well.
  • In the end, it is the efficient systems developed by Wang Ping that make the business profitable.
Category: Videocasts

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