Main Topic: Poultry Channel Switching in a Chinese Cultural Setting

Hosts: Stephen Huang, James Stanworth, Clyde Warden

This research was a student master thesis that allowed Professor Warden to expand on his observations that wet markets were not distinct retail channels serving different market segments. An investigation into attitudes, however, would be dangerous as pressures from modernity assumptions would encourage respondents to report wet markets were not important to them. Additionally, the responses of people too young to cook or be responsible for family ceremonies could be very misleading (often stated as, "this generation does not care about religion"). 

Document Downloads:

Download: PowerPoint Presentation

Download: Draft Report (PDF)

Depending on purchase location, consumers shift expectations between reciprocity and cleanliness.

The Show:Length: 47 minutes. Download MP3 21.51MB (Right click->Save As).

Presentation of Research Results (Video & Audio):

This is the final report to the Ministry of Agriculture who sponsored Prof. Warden's research into marketing strategies for Taiwan domesticly produced coffee. The presentation is in Chinese.
Length: 31 minutes.

An introduction to two methods of poultry production in Taiwan.
Length: 9.5 minutes.

Show Links:

Bottom Line:

  • In Taiwan, the quantity of chicken sales is higher than pork.
  • The traditional wet market has maintained its importance by evolving with time.
  • The frequency of Bai-Bai (Religious ceremony) has a positive relationship with chicken sales.
  • The total revenue of the wet market (12Billion NTD ) is six times greater than the total revenue of the supermarkets (Carrefour, 愛買, welcomes etc.)
  • Social reciprocity is a major attraction for the frequent shoppers at the wet market.
  • Cleanliness and point of purchase promotion are major attractions for the frequent shoppers at the supermarkets.
  • The consumer’s expectation of attributes shifts with the place they shop i.e. High reciprocity at wet market and high promotion at the point of purchase at the supermarket.

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