RSS FEED Subscribe in iTunes Main Topic: Breakfast Market in a Chinese Cultural Setting

Hosts: Antony Warden, James Stanworth , Clyde Warden

Breakfast is not traditionally a big part of Chinese meals, although lunches and dinners are hugely important.  In this episode, Antony, James, and Clyde look at the changes in this market that has grown rapidly and is dominated by small operators and shaped by the common Chinese consumer behavior of being on the go!

Popular food types include fan tuan (rice ball), dan bing (rolled egg pancakes with onion), man tou (steamed bread), fan tuan (rice roll-ups), tang bao (soup-filled dumplings), potstickers and baozi (steamed buns stuffed with pork and vegetables), you tiao (crullers). Coffee is nowhere to be found, and coffee shops usually are not even open in the morning. In Hong Kong, however, milk coffee is very popular for breakfast.

€œSimplicity and frugality is the focus for breakfast in Taiwan€

The Show:

Length: 50 minutes. Download MP3 23.7 MB (Right click->Save As).


Traditional Chinese breakfast is limited to leftover rice boiled in water (gruel) with some toppings, such as shredded pork meat.

Consumer Cam ConsumerCam:

  These shops are everywhere in Taiwan, normally two or three (or more) on the same block. Here is a walk in shop.

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Bottom Line:

  • Milk is normally absent during breakfast in Taiwan, fried eggs, toasts were brought in from the west.
  • Breakfast is normally something simple in Chinese culture, dinner is a family affair.
  • Transformer stand is a popular place to get breakfast, it saves time for the working class.
  • Transformer stands have a low initial cost, they offer brisk business, operate only in the mornings.
  • Normally the food is hygienic; most of the food is freshly cooked on the spot.
  • It Offers convince and low cost for food.
  • Transformer stands offers varieties of food and drinks, this was developed over the years.
  • MacDonald’s is the only multinational company that serves breakfast in Taiwan.
Category: Podcasts

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