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Main Topic: MBA Thesis Research Proposal

Hosts: James Stanworth , Clyde Warden

Joana is an MBA student in Taiwan. She is following the normal path of Asian business students who must present a thesis in order to graduate. In Taiwan, this requirement, as in most graduate programs across Greater China, require a student to have an advisor and to present a plan and execute a research project. In this show, James and Clyde talk about some of the details of the business graduate program.

Each educational system has it own policies, even schools and departments have their own specific requirements. While there are exceptions, the norm for business graduate schools in Greater China are pretty rigorous. This of course is linked to the teacher student relationship, where students are often closely involved in research that the professor is doing. A thesis can span the whole two years of a business student’s graduate program.

In this case, students submit a proposal during their first year, normally the second term. Three professors are invited to see the student’s presentation of the research plan. One of those professor will be the student’s advisor, and at least one must be an external professor--from another school. Students normally choose their advisor, but the advisor needs to agree, so this turns the process into a dynamic relationship.

Clyde and James, in this recording, have just wrapped up Joanna’s proposal and cover many of the details of this process. Look for a future report on Joana’s final defense, about a year later.

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The Show:

Length: 33 minutes. Download MP3 60.5MB (Right click->Save As).


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