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Main Topic: Taiwan's High Speed Rail

Hosts: James Stanworth , Stephen Huang , Clyde Warden

In this show, Clyde, Stephen, and James visit one of the high speedrail stations in Taiwan. The infrastructure in Taiwan underwent majorimprovements after the turn of the century. The HSR is one of theresulting projects. Very popular, the HSR has put the domestic shorthop airlines out of business and given families another way to visitSouthern or Northern Taiwan and be back in time for dinner. High Speed Rail

Retailing at the HSR stations is much like airports (Paul Freathy has done a lot of interesting research on airport retailing) with the required McDonald's and Starbucks, but there are also some interesting local products, especially food. Check out CoinsumerCam for an interesting kiosk with a nice Chinese style selling Chinese snacks .

Taiwan transportation has become really convenient.

Listen To The Show (Audio Only):

Length: 18 minutes. Download MP3 9.02MB (Right click->Save As).

On Location

Watch The Show (Video & Audio):

From Taichung, Stephen, James, and Clyde.
Length: 18 minutes.

iPod Download MP4 83.12MB (Right click->Save As).
QuickTime Download MOV 67.87MB (Right click->Save As).
Windows Media Download WMV 70.48MB (Right click->Save As).
High Quality mp4 H.264(640x480) Download high quality mp4 141.72MB (Right click->Save As).


Consumer Cam ConsumerCam:

Vid. 1) Ticketing--two ways.
Vid. 2) Inside the train--normal and business class.
Vid. 3) An interesting kiosk in the train station employing a traditional Chinese looking servicescape.
Vid. 4) Taxi service at the station basement--both legal and illegal services.

Show Links:

Bottom Line:
  • Transportation quality in Taiwan is of very high quality.
  • This is a big change in a short time, mostly due to big infrastructure plans and execution.
  • The High Speed Rail (HSR) is one great example of this.
  • The HSR has put local commuter airlines out of business.
Category: Videocasts

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